Friday, October 12, 2012

All that I am...

All that I am is because of God.

Seriously, I'm having a tearful and greatful moment because I'm reflecting on recent events. I can't help it because I am looking back and I am amazed of where God has brought me from to where I am now.

Who wouldn't be in awe especially if He had to pick you up, dust you off, point to the mirror and tell you, "See that dirty girl (or guy)? You are why do you want to continually be dirty? Trust me and I'll create you to be more than you ever thought you could be."

I am blessed. Not because of me but because of Him.

All I can say is that I hope and pray that I will consistently shine for Him and that no one will stumble or fall because of my idiotic actions that does happen from time to time.

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