Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fat Status

Not phat but fat. I'm sitting in the kitchen pretty much dwelling on the fact that I woke up late and did not attend TRX class.

I'm starting to think that if I don't attend, I'll soon be labeled as someone who is slacking off but to be honest with you, life / work is pretty hectic.

Anyhow, back to what I am doing. I'm sitting in the kitchen because Dan spied an ugly cockroach and I do not want to scream the whole house down.
So, while I sit here-I think about what I decided to do in August 2011.

I wanted to become healthy and to drop some fat away from my body. I had to get myself in the correct mindset because I'll usually stop before that and never continue my so-called healthy lifestyle.

Well, August 2011 was my decision to "man up" and admit that:

1) I was really obese

2) I looked pregnant to where I was actually looking to buy maternity clothes because my stomach ballooned out

3) I would get out of breath by just walking a few feet

4) My husband was distancing himself and I assumed it was because of my fat status

So with these thoughts in mind, oil looked and looked at all places especially for bootcamp classes because my childhood friend, Bonnie was part of a bootcamp that RAN along the beach on the outer banks of North Carolina.

If you read Yelp, you'll see my review of the bootcamp I joined.

I was 217 in August and now I am under 190. I still have some ways to go but I think my next few blog posts will be dedicated to reflecting back on my journey.

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